The Four Boys' official trailer by Simony Production premieres on The movie was produced by Sylvester Obadigie, directed by Morgan Ukaegbu, and starring Zubby Michael, Paul Sambo, Johnpaul Nwadike, Junior Omoigbaele, Chiwetalu Agu, Angela Okorie, Ruth Kadiri, & Onyi Alex.
on a true life story, The lead actors 'Zubby Michael, Paul Sambo,
Johnpaul Nwadike & Junior Omoigbaele' played the roles of the four
Uniport students that were brutally murdered by a notorious vigilante
group in 2012. The storyline showed the lifestyle of the boys, which
included a great unyielding passion for music, and life in general..
Until that unprecedented tragic and horrific incident occurred after the
boys were wrongfully accused of stealing laptops and phones. There is a
lot of twist to the story, as it was indicated that one of the four
boys had previously loaned his friend a lump sum of money before, which
was one of the key factors that led to that horrific incident.
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